Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Throat Products Questions
The information provided here does not replace or set forth the complete content of the product user manuals or prescribers information.  It should not be considered a substitute for review and understanding the importance of the user manuals or prescribers information.  Before using any of the products described, please review the entire contents of the respective user manual and/or prescriber information.
To view FAQs pertaining to throat products, click here.
Mouth and Jaw Product Questions
The information provided here does not replace or set forth the complete content of the product user manuals or prescribers information. It should not be considered a substitute for review and understanding the importance of the user manuals or prescribers information. Before using any of the products described, please review the entire contents of the respective user manual and/or prescriber information.
To view information about our jaw rehabilitation products, click here.
Insurance Questions
Atos Medical offers this question and answer sheet as a service to its customers based on generally accepted information.  Persons requiring specific information or clarification need to contact their insurance carrier.
For more information on insurance, click here. If you are a Medicare recipient, click here.